The Western Montana Conservation Commission (WMCC) and the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) aim to address the escalating challenges posed by toxic pollution in western Montana’s watersheds, the headwaters of the Columbia River Basin. With rapid population growth and urbanization in the region, there’s an urgent need to mitigate the adverse effects of toxic pollution on water quality.
Projects include but are not limited to:
Hosting conferences or workshops to provide septic education or technical training
Grant Limits: Max award is $50,000
Match: 25% nonfederal cost-share required
Projects include but are not limited to:
Residential cost-share for upgrading aging or underperforming septic systems
Grant Limits: Max award is $80,000
Match: 25% nonfederal cost-share required
Projects include but are not limited to:
Successful projects will include community co-benefits, such as recreational and educational opportunities.
Grant Limits: Max award is $1,100,000
Match: 25% nonfederal cost-share required
Projects include but are not limited to the implementation of:
Successful programs will include elements of community education and long-term programmatic development.
Grant Limits: Max award is $50,000
Match: 25% nonfederal cost-share required
Applications are now open for submission. Applications will be accepted until funds are expended. First round of reviews will begin Thursday, March 6, 2025. Applications received by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, March 5 will be considered for this first round of funding.
Applications received after that will be automatically added to the second-round funding review in Summer 2025. Applications will remain open until funds are fully expended.
The Guidelines provide information about the grant program including eligibility, match information, procurement, and other policies. The Guidelines include an overview of the competitive grants tentatively opening in January 2025 from WMCC’s EPA funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This includes: 1) Residential Septic System Education & Maintenance Program, 2) Septic System Replacement & Sewer Connectivity, 3) Showcase Green Stormwater Infrastructure Project, and 4) Residential & Community Green Stormwater Infrastructure Program.
Applications are anticipated to open in Winter 2025. The applications will remain open until all program funds are awarded. First review of applications will begin Thursday, March 6, 2025. Applications received by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, March 5 will be considered for this first round of funding. Applications received after that will be automatically added to the second-round funding review in Summer 2025.
Applicants must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and an active registration by the time of award. If an applicant does not have current registration, it is recommended to start the process now to obtain registration as soon as possible.
Applicants must be registered with the Montana Secretary of State.
Eligible applicants must meet both the State of Montana (MCA 85-1-605) and the EPA sub-recipient requirements (EPA General Terms and Conditions, EPA Subaward Policy). Eligible applicants include:
Government Organizations
Non-Profit Organizations
Education Organizations
Applicants may use these grant program application templates to prepare for official application submission on Submittable.
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**File may open in a new tab on browsers such as Microsoft Edge. For other browsers, right click on link to “save link as…” and then you will be able to save it to your files. Please contact us with any questions!
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No upcoming meetings at this time. Please contact grant staff with any questions.
WMCC’s EPA-funded Stormwater and Septic Leachate Grant Programs are on the horizon; we anticipate applications opening in the beginning of January 2025. Join grant staff to discuss specific considerations for federal funding and your projects. The four grant programs, as outlined in our Grant Guidelines, are 1) Residential Septic System Education & Maintenance Program, 2) Septic System Replacement & Sewer Connectivity, 3) Showcase Green Stormwater Infrastructure Project, and 4) Residential & Community Green Stormwater Infrastructure Program.
An introduction to the $7 million dollar EPA Columbia River Basin Toxics Reduction Lead Grant awarded to the Western Montana Conservation Commission, and the potential subawards that will be available in Western Montana in 2025. Local entities may be granted awards to host water quality education, outreach, cost-share programs, and community projects addressing toxic pollution reduction focused on septic leachate and stormwater concerns in Western Montana. Grant guidelines will be available for public comment and review.
WMCC requested partner feedback on the Stormwater and Septic Leachate Toxics Reduction Grant Program Guidelines at this virtual meeting during the public comment period.
Contact us for more information. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay up to date.
Heidi Fleury
Grant Program Specialist
Kristen Jordan
Grant Program Specialist
Krista Lammers
Grant Administrative Specialist